CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development – is an International non-profit association founded in Palermo in 2007. CEIPES works at local, European and international level in synergy with more than 100 organisations, bodies and institutions with the objective of improving methodologies and technologies in the field of education, developing innovative strategies and participatory tools in the work with youth and adults, in the field of education and research through local and international cooperation.
At local level CEIPES coordinates the CEIPES Network, involving more than 40 members among organisations, public and private bodies aimed to promote cooperation among different stakeholders and facilitate the access to European opportunities.
CEIPES & Let’s Talk
- Kick Off: A kickoff seminar will be organised in Palermo in September addressed to key stakeholders.
- Training of practitioners: CEIPES will organise LTC practitioners training for 10 practitioners in mental health services and/or school sector in Sicily
- Training for trainers: 10 LTC practitioners trained will 3 be trained to become LTC trainers.
- Training for more LTC practitioners: Trainers attending the LTC trainers training will train professionals and after training the trainers training they will continue training professionals on their own.
- Sustainability support: A national Advisory working group will be created to support the implementation and dissemination of LTC in Sicily during and after the project.
Learn more about CEIPES’ work with Let’s Talk About Children.
Read CEIPES’ news post on the LTC kickoff: